E-token Time For Indian Visa

Most of the people know that, To get Indian Visa E-token is too much difficult. If you able to try just perfect time, may be you will get an e token for Indian visa. We try to serve you the perfect time for E-token in this site Every day.

New system For Indian E token July 11 2015

Surely everyone is doing well. I am with you again. This is my "New System for Indian E-token- 2015". Indian authorities did not consider that Bangladeshi, people are mankind. Last Friday afternoon once again they change their websites system and in front of us brought a new critical situation. Active all tricks have to change for this situation. Come and see the new system

Make Your Pc Faster In An Easy Way-part-3

Slim Cleaner is a free software for cleaning and optimizing PC and Mobile Device. It's a Golden Verified Partner of Microsoft Corporation. Specially Designed for WinXp, Vista, Win7, Win 8 and Win 10.

Remove shortcut virus in 30 second

Here we will show how you can easily get rid of this problem and remove "Shortcut Virus" from your PC.

Required Documents for Indian Visa Purpose

In fact, most of people do not know what to do when submit an e-token to IVAC/Visa Processing Center/Indian Embassy and which documents they have to collected and sorted. In the mean time, many local broker or fraud lead them to earn some big amount from sufferer. Let’s go to topic.

Monday, 29 October 2018

MS Word 2016 Bangla Tutorial Part 3 Home Menu First Part

MS Word 2016 Bangla Tutorial Part 3 Home Menu First Part
The Home Tab is about the basics of how the text looks when it is printed or displayed online. It gives access to both direct and Style-based formatting. Because of the importance of Styles to using Word effectively, it devotes a great deal of space to Styles.
I suspect that many Word users seldom stray from the Home Tab. They are missing many opportunities to make Word work for them, but that is not the topic of this page. On this page, I intend to examine the control groups on the Home Tab and what each of the controls does. This leads into the Font and Paragraph dialogs and the Clipboard functions of Word.

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The Clipboard Group
The clipboard group is on the far left of the Home Tab. It is often used in conjunction with the Editing group, which is on the far right of that tab.
Paste (with options) Ctrl+V: I have been told that when Microsoft studied Word users, they discovered that the most used Command was "Paste" so when they redesigned the user interface, they decided to give this command prominence as the first button people would see. (The keyboard shortcut in most Windows programs including all versions of Word is Ctrl+V.)
The Paste button is actually a drop-down menu of paste choices which is similar to the paste options you see after you paste
if you use the Ctrl+V shortcut. 

The Font Group
The font group has to do with how the characters look. It is distinguished from the paragraph group where the formatting handles the entire paragraph. I am going to divide these controls into three parts:

  • Controls that give you direct formatting or erase that formatting,
  • A Control that changes the Case of text but is not formatting, and
  • Controls that change how the text looks but are not considered formatting.
  • Let's look at the last two types, first, because there are only two of them.

Monday, 22 October 2018

MS Word 2016 Bangla Tutorial Part 2 File Menu

MS Word 2016 Bangla Tutorial Part 2 File Menu
The file menu is one you will find yourself using extensively. It is used to create new documents, open existing documents and saving your new/updated documents. It also includes the page setup, print preview, and other important functions relating to your document and its properties.

New: This creates a new Microsoft Word document. The page setup of the new document, ie, the size, margins, etc, will depend on your page settings. 

Open: This opens an existing Microsoft Word document, it will open a file explorer window allowing you to navigate to the file you want to open. 

Close: This will close the current word document. Microsoft Word may prompt you to save the file, if you have made changes to the document since the last save. 

Save: Saves the current document, replacing the existing file (if previously saved). 

Save As: This allows you to save the document as a different file. This is very useful, imagine you open your letterhead template and write a letter that you want to save, if you just saved it (using the option above), it would replace your letterhead template. When you click on Save As you will be able to choose the new filename and location for your document. 

Save As Web Page: This option will save the current document with the HTM(L) extension, allowing it to be viewed by a web browser. 

Search: Clicking Search will open the basic search window, allowing you to search your computer for documents containing certain text.

Versions: This feature allows you to save different versions of the current Microsoft Word document. For example, if you changed your letterhead and wanted to keep the older version too. 

Web Page Preview: Clicking on this option will display your current document as it would look in a web browser. When you click, Microsoft Word will open the document in your default web browser. 

Page Setup: This opens the page setup options dialogue box. It allows you to set the properties (dimensions, margins, etc) of the current document and change the default for new Microsoft Word documents. 

Print Preview: Selecting this option opens the print preview window, allowing you to preview how your document will look when printed. 

Print: Opens the print dialogue box allowing you to print the current document. 

Send To: Hovering your mouse over this option will allow you to send your document via email, or export it to Microsoft Powerpoint (if installed). 

Properties: This will open the Microsoft Word document properties dialogue box, allowing you to view/edit various properties of the document. Including author information, statistics, type, location and file size of the document.

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That's all for the moment. See you next episode with another part of the menus of Word 2016 Tutorial.


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