E-token Time For Indian Visa

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New system For Indian E token July 11 2015

Surely everyone is doing well. I am with you again. This is my "New System for Indian E-token- 2015". Indian authorities did not consider that Bangladeshi, people are mankind. Last Friday afternoon once again they change their websites system and in front of us brought a new critical situation. Active all tricks have to change for this situation. Come and see the new system

Make Your Pc Faster In An Easy Way-part-3

Slim Cleaner is a free software for cleaning and optimizing PC and Mobile Device. It's a Golden Verified Partner of Microsoft Corporation. Specially Designed for WinXp, Vista, Win7, Win 8 and Win 10.

Remove shortcut virus in 30 second

Here we will show how you can easily get rid of this problem and remove "Shortcut Virus" from your PC.

Required Documents for Indian Visa Purpose

In fact, most of people do not know what to do when submit an e-token to IVAC/Visa Processing Center/Indian Embassy and which documents they have to collected and sorted. In the mean time, many local broker or fraud lead them to earn some big amount from sufferer. Let’s go to topic.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Android Apps Development Course Basic Level Part 5-Create your first Android studio Project

Create your first Android studio Project
In the Welcome to Android Studio window, click Start a new Android Studio project.
    Or if you have a project opened, select File > New Project.
    In the Create New Project window, enter the following values:
        Application Name: "My First App"
        Company Domain: "example.com"

    You might want to change the project location. Also, if you want to write a Kotlin app, check the Include Kotlin support checkbox. Leave the other options as they are.
    Click Next.
    In the Target Android Devices screen, keep the default values and click Next.
    In the Add an Activity to Mobile screen, select Empty Activity and click Next.
    In the Configure Activity screen, keep the default values and click Finish.

For better understand, you can watch the tutorial:
After some processing, Android Studio opens the IDE.
Now take a moment to review the most important files.

First, be sure the Project window is open (select View > Tool Windows > Project) and the Android view is selected from the drop-down list at the top of that window. You can then see the following files:

app > java > com.example.myfirstapp > MainActivity
    This is the main activity (the entry point for your app). When you build and run the app, the system launches an instance of this Activity and loads its layout.
app > res > layout > activity_main.xml
    This XML file defines the layout for the activity's UI. It contains a TextView element with the text "Hello world!".
app > manifests > AndroidManifest.xml
    The manifest file describes the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components.
Gradle Scripts > build.gradle
    You'll see two files with this name: one for the project and one for the "app" module. Each module has its own build.gradle file, but this project currently has just one module. You'll mostly work with the module's build.gradle file to configure how the Gradle tools compile and build your app. For more information about this file, see Configure Your Build.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Adobe Premiere Pro CC Download Full Version.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC Download Full Version.
Adobe Premiere Pro CC – The program is able to edit video with a resolution of 4Kx4K and more, color support – 32bit, color formats – YUV, RGB. Note that this software edits audio samples supports audio plug-ins VST (5.1 surround soundtrack). Thanks to the digital architecture of the plug-ins installed in the program, you can export/import files using DirectShow, QuickTime containers. In general, the program supports a lot of audio and video formats, runs on Windows and MacOS.

Additional information:

Faster video editing. The functional of the program has significantly expanded. So, it should be noted the color correction mechanism (built-in) Speed Grade CC 2018, the increased number of supported formats, the improved ability to mount materials shot by several cameras.
Note that this program is in the Creative Cloud system. Thus, its users have access to all updates, as well as to new versions of software, as soon as they are released. Improve their skills, as well as learn new tools can be using an ever-growing collection of educational videos. Integration with a resource such as Be hance, by the way, Premiere Pro can be downloaded on our website thedailyhelp.com editor, allows all users to exchange projects, receive informed feedback from professional designers and other professionals.

Enjoy  Adobe Premiere Pro CC Download Full Version.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Android Apps Development Course-Promo: Make A Chat App With Firebase (Start To End).

Android Apps Development Course-Promo: Make A Chat App With Firebase (Start To End).
With Firebase, creating real-time social applications is a walk in the park. And the best thing about it: you don't have to write a single line of server-side code. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to leverage Firebase UI to create a group chat app you can share with your friends. It's going to be a very simple app with just one chat room, which is open to all users. As you might have guessed, the app will depend on Firebase Auth to manage user registration and sign in. It will also use Firebase's real-time database to store the group chat messages.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Android Apps Development Course Basic Level. Part 4-Eclipse IDE Packages download and install

Eclipse IDE Packages download and install
Eclipse is a free integrated development environment IDE which is used by programmers around to write software mostly in Java but also in other major programming languages via Eclipse plugins.
The latest release of Eclipse Oxygen IDE doesn’t come with pre-build binary packages specific for Debian based Linux distributions. Instead, you can install Eclipse IDE in Ubuntu or Debian based Linux distributions via the compressed tar archive file.
In this tutorial we will learn how to install the latest edition of Eclipse Oxygen IDE in Ubuntu or in Debian based Linux distributions.
 For better understand, you can watch the tutorial:


  1. A Desktop machine with minimum 2GB of RAM.
  2. Java 9 SE SDK installed in Debian based distributions.

Install Eclipse Oxygen IDE in Debian and Ubuntu

For installing Eclipse IDE in your system, first open a browser and go to Eclipse official download page and download the latest version of the tar package specific to your installed Linux distribution architecture.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Android Apps Development Course Basic Level. Part 3-Android SDK Packages download

Android SDK Packages download

Adding Platforms and Packages

The Android SDK separates tools, platforms, and other components into packages you can download using the Android SDK Manager. The original SDK package you've downloaded includes only the SDK Tools. To develop an Android app, you also need to download at least one Android platform and the latest SDK Platform-tools.

  1. Launch the SDK Manager. If you've used the Windows installer to install the SDK tools, you should already have the Android SDK Manager open. Otherwise, you can launch the Android SDK Manager in one of the following ways:
    • On Windows, double-click the SDK Manager.exe file at the root of the Android SDK directory.
    • On Mac or Linux, open a terminal and navigate to the tools/directory in the Android SDK, then execute Android SDK.
  2. The SDK Manager shows all the SDK packages available for you to add to your Android SDK. As a minimum configuration for your SDK, we recommend you install the following:
    • The latest Tools packages (check the Tools folder).
    • The latest version of Android (check the first Android folder).
    • The Android Support Library (open the Extras folder and check Android Support Library).
    Once you've chosen your packages, click Install. The Android SDK Manager installs the selected packages into your Android SDK environment.
With these packages installed, you're ready to start developing. To get started, read Building Your First App.

Figure 1. The Android SDK Manager shows the SDK packages that are available, already installed, or for which an update is available.
 For better understand, you can watch the tutorial:

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